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Increase In Monthly Sports Section Fees wef 1 January 2023
06 December 2022

In support of the Management Committee directive to build financial stability for the Club, the Games Control Board (GCB) sees no other option other than to slightly adjust some of the monthly Section fees for the various Sports Sections; in order for these Sections to move towards self-sustainability for their programs.


Some of the existing Section Fees have not changed for many years. With inflation and the need to modernise facilities, some of our Sports Sections will find it tough today to sustain the same level of activities for their members without imposing additional pressure on the Club’s operating expenditures. 


The revised Section Fees will take effect on 1 January 2023, and will be reflected in your monthly bills thereafter.

Please download the PDF notice for the full announcement.


If you need further clarification, please contact the Sports Department at: