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Home / Announcements / Operating Hours of Clubhouse from 26 Apr BACK
Operating Hours of Clubhouse from 26 Apr

The Clubhouse is open daily but closes at 11pm.


Non-Sports Facilities That Are Open


12pm to 11pm (Saturday to Thursday) (Last food order at 9.30pm, last drinks order at 10.30pm)

12pm to 11.30pm (Friday) (Last food order at 9.30pm, last drinks order at 11pm)


Car Park

6.30am to 12am


Card & Mahjong Rooms

Booking is necessary.

11am to 11pm  

Mask to be worn at all times.


Changing Room

7am to 10pm


Esplanade Kitchen

3pm to 11pm (Monday to Thursday and Saturday) (Last food order at 9.30pm, last drinks order at 10.30pm)

3pm to 11.30pm (Friday) (Last food order at 9.30pm, last drinks order at 11pm)

Closed (Sunday)


Front Office

8am to 11pm


Jackpot Room

10am to 11pm

Mask to be worn at all times.


Poolside Cafe

11am to 10pm (Monday to Friday) (Last food and drinks order at 9.30pm)

9am to 10pm (Saturday and Sunday) (Last food and drinks order at 9.30pm)


Reading Room

7am to 11pm

Mask to be worn at all times.


Towel Counter

7am to 10pm


Please download the full notice for our Operation Hours.